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[MOCA] Off campus access

MOCA enables your Off-campus Access to Musashino University Library's subscribed e-resources.

Musashino University's current undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty members, undergraduate students and graduate students of Distance Learning Division
* except to students of Distance Learning Division for Kindergarten Teacher's License Act certification

# On-campus access does not need MOCA.

Use MOCA from MyLibrary

  1. Log in [MyLibrary] from the Musashino University Library website.
  2. Click [MOCA] in Information.
  3. Choose databases from the list.
Musashino Library
1-1-20 Shin-machi, Nishitokyo-shi, Tokyo 202-8585 JAPAN Open Google Maps TEL +81-(0)42-468-3244
FAX +81-(0)42-469-8686
Ariake Library
3-3-3 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8181 JAPAN Open Google Maps TEL +81-(0)3-5530-7671
FAX +81-(0)3-5530-3823